Business Update!

Business Update!

Hey there, it's been a while!


First of all, I want to apologize for the delay since our last blog post and update on Battlehonours3D. I truly appreciate your patience and understanding. I must explain that I've been dealing with some severe health issues, but I'm happy to say that I'm now on the road to recovery. The worst is hopefully behind me.
During my absence, we found ourselves in a challenging situation. We had a significant number of outstanding orders, and it became clear that we were not going to be able to deliver them, as my health had to take precedence. To ensure we didn't disappoint our valued customers, we made the difficult decision to put a temporary hold on our eBay and Etsy stores and add an extended delay on all orders available on the site. We didn't want to compromise on the quality or timeliness of our deliveries once we realized it was not a short-term illness. Thankfully, we were able to gather some support to help us fulfil these orders over the past six weeks.
I want to extend my gratitude to all those who have experienced delays for your patience and understanding. It means a lot to us.
Now, onto some exciting business updates! Firstly I'm thrilled to announce that we're back in action and fully operational on every platform.
During my recovery, we took the opportunity to review our product range. We explored the use of FDM printers for some of our models, specifically designed for that technology. Our goal was to compare the FDM prints with our usual resin prints and ensure we maintain our commitment to delivering top-notch quality.
After careful consideration and testing, we found that for smaller scales like 6mm, 10-12mm, and 15mm, the quality of the FDM prints didn't meet our high standards. However, for larger scales, 20mm and above, we were blown away by the excellent quality and the intricate details we were able to achieve. While there are still a few areas that didn't meet the Battlehonours3D standard, overall, we were impressed by the results.
With this in mind, we've made the decision to use FDM printing for models above 20mm. The FDM process requires less cleaning and eliminates the need for post-print curing, enabling us to provide a quicker and more efficient turnaround for your buildings. Don't worry though! We understand the importance of maintaining the quality you've come to expect from us. That's why we'll continue to offer our models in 6mm, 10-12mm, and 15mm in resin, ensuring we deliver the level of detail and excellence that our customers deserve.
In cases where certain sections of models above 20mm require more detail than FDM printers can provide, we'll still print those parts in resin. This means your order may include a mix of resin and FDM components, guaranteeing that every element meets our quality standards.
I hope this explanation clarifies our printing process for you. We're confident that our turnaround time will be brought back down to 14 days or even less. We're fortunate to have a new supportive member of team behind us, which will help us achieve these faster delivery times. With their assistance, we aim to ensure that every step, from printing to packaging, is carried out with meticulous attention to detail and accuracy.
Now, let's move on to the most exciting part! We have some incredible projects in the works that will blow your mind. Unfortunately, I can't reveal all the details just yet, but trust me, it's worth the wait! We're constantly pushing the boundaries and exploring new avenues to enhance your gaming experience. Stay tuned to our social media channels for exclusive sneak peeks and updates on these thrilling developments. You won't want to miss what's coming next!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this update. Your support means the world to us. If you have any questions or need assistance with your order, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here for you.
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1 comment

epoustouffler par ma derniere commande tres bonne realisations et detailes merci a vous

christophe califano

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