Deal Wargames Society - 03/01/24 Eastern Front tank v tank game

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Happy New Year to one and all.
First club night in 2024 didn't quote go to plan thanks to Storm whatever its name was...ggrrr, so, with trees down on roads, flooding here there and everywhere and several of us still rolling around after too much eating, a sensible approach was taken and most stayed safely indoors, making, painting and possibly imbibing in certain liquids.
Those of us more local still rocked up cos DT wanted to play with his newly painted toys so....a 3 player free for all.
Having sorted all the stuff out for the intended game, we just went with an Eastern Front tank v tank game, with Shents using my Axis gear alongside DT's cats, against my Soviet armour. My lend-lease Shermans - unpainted as they are (oh the horror....think of the children 😲) were ritualistically slaughtered by DT's advance and cover tactics. On my right flank, Shents' cats were effectively neutered by my T-34-85s but, to no avail. DT swung round and caught me napping
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
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