Deal Wargames Society - 31/03/24 2nd and 3rd Editions Painting

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
DBA v2 Option B 1199-1069 BC
same LCH, 3x3 Blade, 3x4Bow,, 1x4Bow OR 1x4Blade, 1 x 2Psiloi
Note: even though the Egyptian lists mention SPEAR, they are treated as BLADE throughout in DBA v3 - confusing yes?
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
DBA v3 option A 1543-1200
Slight difference from v2
4 x LCH, 3 x 3 OR 4 Blade (spear), 3 x 4 BOW, 1 X 3 WARBAND (these would be Libyans or Sherden) 1 x 2 PSILOI
Having finished painting the New Kingdom Egyptians, time to tack to their bases so I can assess what permutations I can have.
As it turns out, I can field all two choices in both 2nd and 3rd editions - though when I paint my Libyans, Sherden and Nubians I will be able to sub out some of the second option bases. Army lists with photos
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
DBA v3 199-1069 BC.
4 X LCH, 3 x 4 BLADE (again, spear), 2 x 4 BOW, 1 x 3 OR 4 BLADE (Sherden), 1 x 3 WARBAND (Libyan) and 1 x Psiloi (which could be Nubian, Libyan, Bedouin or Syrian)

So some subtle differences between the early part of the 19th Dynasty and the later, plus subtle differences between v2 and v3 rules in DBA depending on what version of the rules I choose to play.

Not all my ancient armies will have all options available but the main protagonists will.

Now as these get their bases done, I will start on a basic v2 DBA Hittite army and expand that with options further down the line.

Then to fight those Egyptians (and of course each other) I need to fish out
NUBIANS, LIBYANS, BEDOUINS, SEA PEOPLES ASSYRIANS and MITANNI and when they are all done I can mix and match elements to make up Canaanites and Philistines too.....

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