Deal Wargames 01/08/23 - Sudan Black Powder Tutorial Game

Deal Wargames 01/08/23 - Sudan Black Powder Tutorial Game

Sudan Black Powder tutorial game. Poor Snr General succumbed to pressure on the right flank, but blighted with poor dice rolling it was never gonna recover. Summed it up with the line "ooh not bad for me" after rolling 7 die needing 3+ to hit....and only one-off those die was as high as the 3 needed.....ooh nooooo!!! DT on the otherhand appeared to get a little frustrated with his baggage train, which took to traversing the desert eve.

Wayne played the Dervish exactly how they should be played! Aggressive and unrelenting!! That’s why the British right flank was wiped out! Maybe one day the British will remember to form brigade squares?

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