Deal Wargames Society - 12/09/23 Rapid Fire 2

Deal Wargames Society - 12/09/23 Rapid Fire 2
One of the things about gaming regularly is coming up with scenarios. We can go down the totally fictitious route, but sometimes even that can take time. Even when using set scenarios, they can get a hit samey when played multiple times. One of the things I like to do is either switch one or both armies out for a different nationality. Or set the game in a different time frame. On this occasion I wanted an introductory scenario with a little oomph so I picked the Lingevre game out of Rapid Fire 2, and swapped out the British force for an American one.
Due to the difference in material, the US weren't using Fireflies, had three infantry units instead of four, and I've yet to paint their 4in mortar - they had an additional M8 HMC, an engineer company with flamethrower, and two 105s off table. So how did the game play?
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Table layout, 6x4. US have 12 turns to capture the village on the near edge.
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Turn 1 and the US advance across the width if the table. The Germans remain silent....
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Turn 2 and pretty much the same, with the troops deploying from their transport vehicles, the enemy again fail to show themselves (except for the reinforcements, off table at the bottom of the pic. They arrive on turn 😎
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Smoke billows around the church, those Yanks don't fancy being spotted when advancing across unforgiving, open terrain.
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US troops continue to deploy, supported by an 81mm mortar and a .50 cal HMG
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The US left flank makes a sweeping advance in force.
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Turn 3 and still no sign of the enemy. Maybe they've pulled back and abandoned the town?
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US engineer company - though we didn't encounter mines, they swept as they went anyway, just to be sure
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"BAM!"" - surprisingly, a lone Panther is revealed and fires at the advancing troops.
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By turns 4 and 5 things really start to heat up.. the German 120mm mortar is extremely effective, hitting the targets with pinpoint accuracy. In a barrage of fire and debris, the pioneer company is reduced to less than 50%, the company following in support is hit on a later turn, again with heavy casualties.
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The troops advancing along the road come across a quiet looking farmhouse.
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The Panther clatters and clanks forward from cover, straight into the jaws of death, the 76mm armed Sherman to the front is unlucky, its anti tank round glancing off the sharply angled Glamis, but unknown to the German tank commander, the 76mm armed M10 Wolverine has outflanked its prey and hammered home a fatal blow.
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The remaining engineers advance supporting.
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....the two 75mm armed Shermans.
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The struggle for the farmhouse over, withdrawing German troops try to deal with the M10, damaging it with a hastily fired Panzerfaust.
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Advancing onto their objective, the US forces could certainly do with getting more infantry support going into a BUA.
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The US forces are jubilant, apart from some remaining stragglers, they are in the objective, now all they've got to do is hold it.
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Shortly after this the game ends. From the jaws of victory, defeat is clutched. Shortly after this the German reinforcements arrive and, focussing on the infantry, cause enough damage to force morale check. The GIs had had enough, turned on their heels and fell back to the awaiting trucks. Its all over, the German troops survive the onslaught and hold on to the vital village.
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