Deal Wargames Society - 18/10/23 Game #3 40K tutorial and welcome B

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Another newbie tonight, my goodness the club membership is expanding faster than my waistline at an all you can eat buffet, Game #3 40K tutorial and welcome B, hopefully we won't have scared you off

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.


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