Deal Wargames Society 22/08/23 - Ades' Cambes Scenario Chronicle

Deal Wargames Society 22/08/23 - Ades' Cambes Scenario Chronicle
I ran a slimmed down version of the Cambes scenario fron RF Normandy Battle Games. Axis forces defended the two villages, ten Allies had to take them. Under cover of well placed smoke the initial strike went down the Allies left flank. Spread thinly the German defenders with unusually bad dice rolls from Wayne "kampfgruppe Mejer" were quickly pushed to the brink. Their reinforcements, sweeping in to the flank of the British armour, was too little too late though they took out a 6pdr the"non-shooty" way, and didn't throw a track in the process.
Outgunned, outnumbered, and out shot, the battered survivors slunk off to their next line of defence, to fight on another day.
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