Deal Wargames Society - 28/04/24 Hittites

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
Don't think I've posted any updates on the Hittites since April 3rd so here goes. Progress not as quick as hoped due to other more pressing matters (real life always gets in the way if having fun).
Chariots to the point of waiting for tufts to be added to the bases and shields added to to the runners and first 4 units if spear waiting for bases and shields (all shields will be added at the end, batch painting them). The bow(for psiloi and bulk out the horde) have their base colours painted on cloaks and skirts waiting for shading (no pic). These are gonna look good facing off against the New Kingdom Egyptians).
Painted to a basic wargames standard, could have gone to town on trim buts as they are not for display games, Happy as they are. Couldn't fit the third chap in the heavy chariots so added them to the base as chariot runners.
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
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