Deal Wargames Society - 03/01/24 EVE - War for New Eden

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.

Club night game #2, and what a surprise this was. Ben had sought appropriate permissions for me to photograph this upcoming game based on an online version, due to be out on kick-start very, very soon.
I'll let the pics do the talking and hopefully Ben will fill in the gaps if he can.
EVE - War for New Eden....coming soon.
I have to say I was mightily impressed with the presentation of box, components and the guys who hadn't played it before appeared to have picked it up super quick judging by the conversation and chatter.
You saw it here first, a DWS exclusive (maybe not but I felt it was.....) big thanks to Ben for letting me pic it for the club page
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
Deal Wargames Society most recent update. Hosted by BattleHonours3D.
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