Battle Honors 3D - Productos

The Château: A Centrepiece for Your Table - Tha...
The Château from Battle Honours 3D is more than just a battlefield backdrop—it’s a strategic stronghold, a noble estate under siege, or a last redoubt in a desperate defence. With...
The Château: A Centrepiece for Your Table - Tha...
The Château from Battle Honours 3D is more than just a battlefield backdrop—it’s a strategic stronghold, a noble estate under siege, or a last redoubt in a desperate defence. With...

ACW Confederates in Custom 14mm - Thanks Shaun
Scale accuracy is key in historical wargaming, and at Battle Honours 3D, we ensure your miniatures match your collection seamlessly. Shaun’s recent custom 14mm ACW Confederate order showcases how we...
ACW Confederates in Custom 14mm - Thanks Shaun
Scale accuracy is key in historical wargaming, and at Battle Honours 3D, we ensure your miniatures match your collection seamlessly. Shaun’s recent custom 14mm ACW Confederate order showcases how we...

Hill Fort using 6mm buildings - Thanks John
Whether used for educational purposes, historical reenactments, or simply as a creative outlet, the versatility of 6mm buildings in depicting historical settings is truly remarkable. From Viking settlements to Anglo...
Hill Fort using 6mm buildings - Thanks John
Whether used for educational purposes, historical reenactments, or simply as a creative outlet, the versatility of 6mm buildings in depicting historical settings is truly remarkable. From Viking settlements to Anglo...

54mm British Paratroopers - Thanks Paul!
When Were British Paratroopers Used? Picture this: it's World War II, and the Allies are looking for a way to drop troops behind enemy lines with speed and precision. Enter...
54mm British Paratroopers - Thanks Paul!
When Were British Paratroopers Used? Picture this: it's World War II, and the Allies are looking for a way to drop troops behind enemy lines with speed and precision. Enter...

Vanquishing Your Lead Mountain!
Bringing History to the Tabletop with Battle Honours 3D Historical wargaming is more than just a pastime—it’s an opportunity to bring the past to life in stunning detail. From Napoleonic...
Vanquishing Your Lead Mountain!
Bringing History to the Tabletop with Battle Honours 3D Historical wargaming is more than just a pastime—it’s an opportunity to bring the past to life in stunning detail. From Napoleonic...

The Normandy Town Set
Bring the historical charm of Normandy to your table with the Normandy Town Set. Perfect for WWII wargaming and diorama creation, this set captures the architectural style of towns like...
The Normandy Town Set
Bring the historical charm of Normandy to your table with the Normandy Town Set. Perfect for WWII wargaming and diorama creation, this set captures the architectural style of towns like...

Battle Honours 3D - Business Updates
At Battle Honours 3D, we believe in bringing extraordinary experiences to the world of tabletop war gaming. Immerse yourself in finely crafted miniatures, realistic terrain, and innovative gaming accessories that will transport you to the heart of the action.

Deal War Games Society Game Updates
Welcome to the Battle Honours 3D Blog, your ultimate source for weekly game details from the Deal War Games Society. We are proud to partner with the society and bring you their latest updates right here. Stay tuned to our blog and follow along as we share exciting game updates.

Battle Honours 3D Products Insights
Discover a World of Premium Tabletop War Gaming Products at Battle Honours 3D At Battle Honours 3D, we take pride in offering a diverse range of top-quality products for tabletop war gaming enthusiasts. From meticulously crafted miniatures to immersive terrain pieces and innovative gaming accessories.